    I noticed a similarity between your great grandfather�s name, Frederick DIEKE, and my great-great grandmother, Luise Catharine Dorothee Hanne DEEKE. She was born in Lutter, near Neustadt am R�benberge, on 12 October, 1819. She married my great-great grandfather, Johann Heinrich Friedrich in 1840. She died in Osterwald O/E 21 November, 1887. Any chance that she was related to your great grandfather?
   Don Roddy

<----- Original Text -----> wrote :

I am not sure I am replying in the correct manner. at any rate I hope "
someone " can help me, I do not speak German. I believe the subject is the
of Dorothee Elise Marie GATHMANN - Who is my G Grandmother b 18 Feb 1843 pb

Steimbke, Hannover, Germany she m Frederick DEIKE in DuPage county,
ILLINOIS, USA please reply to
    Dennis Deike