Doristaliai (Doristhal) Ostpreußen

David - there is a project that is still on-going, regarding place
in East Prussia.

Please note that in the first paragraph, there is an address (e-mail)
where you can query re a place name. I think you could write in
English, if German is troublesome for you.

Have you also tried the Shtetl Seeker - it gives locations on a
small map you can zoom in on a place, or enlarge the map.
It is at

Also, maps can be found at the FEEFHs site.

I am also searching in East Prussia - if you wish, let me know the
name, and if I come across it, I can let you know.

People travelled a lot in those days, and I found my family
in various locations (with help from some very kind people
on OW preussen). Right now I am searching in the areas
of Wormditt and Reimerswalde, for the name Plohmann.

Good luck with your search

Muriel Gambrel (geb Plohmann)