My Niemeyer relatives came from the vicinity of Ostercappeln, Hanover
sometime in the mid-1880s. Per US census, names were Adolf Heinrich,
born 1864 Nordhausen and Maria Johanna F�rchtenicht, born 1865
Osnabr�ck. They settled in Toledo Ohio, had 6 or 7 chilldren; son
Adolph Herman (born 1888 Toledo OH) married (Helena) Agnes Krieger
(born 1889 Ostercappeln), about 1913 in Toledo Ohio.
Kriegers (Johann Hermann & Marie Franziska, daughters Helena Agnes
and Anna Marie) emigrated 1892, from Ostercappeln. They left at
least one son (Anton Hermann) buried in Germany; there might be
another. There were two daughters born in America who lived to
adulthood, two sons who died as infants.
If anyone recognizes connections with either family, please contact
Kenneth Thompson
Moline Acres (north StLouis County) Missouri, VSvA