Iam looking for birth records from churches in Landeck & Grunau, for the villages of Rosenfelde and Battrow, respectively. I amtold that the church books had been destroyed (during the war?). Doesanyone know anything different?
Inreviewing the books online for Pommern, I see they are marked as“duplicates”. How did that work back then, did they keep the “duplicates” inanother location for safekeeping?
Thomas A Borns
Blue Springs MO USA
Carpe Diem.
Hi Thomas
Duplicates are just handwritten copies of original content, probably just as you guessed. They may or may not cover the entire time a church existed. In other words, they may be a partial archive/ copy. As for what may have survived WW2 the LDS offers the best indicationof what you can expect to find. You might find the links, data etc. here to be of some helpas well: Prussian/ German Genealogy Help – ManyRoads As for the LDS archives:
* Is it possible that your Battrow was actually in Westpreussen see:
Catalog Search Results for {parameters} - FamilySearch.org — FamilySearch.org
* The most likely Landeck I find was in Schlesien... see:
Catalog Search Results for {parameters} - FamilySearch.org — FamilySearch.org
* Grunau (Kreis Flatow) was also in Westpreussen not Pommern see:
Catalog Search Results for {parameters} - FamilySearch.org — FamilySearch.org (I'm guessing this is the place where your
duplicate query arises).
As for the broader situation regarding Pommern records, I would guess there is a about a 80-90% record loss due to WW2 It is truly bleak. Westpreussen fared somewhat better; the record loss there is more on the order of ~40% across that former region. The bottom line is that the LDS records are most likely your best record source (currently). It may be that archion will eventually provide (in the future) some currently unavailable records (but that is hard to know for certain). See: Archion – GenWiki
I hope this helps some...
Pax vobiscum,
Pax vobiscum,
Hi Thomas
Duplicates are just handwritten copies of original content, probably just as you guessed. They may or may not cover the entire time a church existed. In other words, they may be a partial archive/ copy. As for what may have survived WW2 the LDS offers the best indicationof what you can expect to find. You might find the links, data etc. here to be of some helpas well: Prussian/ German Genealogy Help – ManyRoads As for the LDS archives:
* Is it possible that your Battrow was actually in Westpreussen see:
Catalog Search Results for {parameters} - FamilySearch.org — FamilySearch.org
* The most likely Landeck I find was in Schlesien... see:
Catalog Search Results for {parameters} - FamilySearch.org — FamilySearch.org
* Grunau (Kreis Flatow) was also in Westpreussen not Pommern see:
Catalog Search Results for {parameters} - FamilySearch.org — FamilySearch.org (I'm guessing this is the place where your
duplicate query arises).
As for the broader situation regarding Pommern records, I would guess there is a about a 80-90% record loss due to WW2 It is truly bleak. Westpreussen fared somewhat better; the record loss there is more on the order of ~40% across that former region. The bottom line is that the LDS records are most likely your best record source (currently). It may be that archion will eventually provide (in the future) some currently unavailable records (but that is hard to know for certain). See: Archion – GenWiki
I hope this helps some...
Pax Vobiscum,
...mark (Mark Rabideau)
*ManyRoads* <http://many-roads.com/> Family Genealogist (Rabideau-Henss Family); *Professional Genealogist *
*Snail mail at: *711 Nob Hill Trail - Franktown,CO USA - 80116-8717
*phone:* +1.303.660.9400 *fax:* +1.303.660.9217
*member:* Association of Professional Genealogists & National Genealogical Society
Hallo Thomas,
I'm a little late with my response. -- Go to http://metryki.genbaza.pl/ where you have free online-access to church books from Grunau (1811-1874) and Battrow (1799-1874). Access requires free one-time registration. Then go to AP_Koszalin and from there to Batorowo_ew-Battrow and Stare Gronowo_ew-Grunau.
I hope you will find what you are looking for.
Manfred (Raether)
Hello Thomas und Manfred
The Genbaza texts appear to identical with those the LDS has filmed... The'films' are free on the GenBaza site but the interface is awful and slow (or so it appears to me fwiw).
Pax Vobiscum,
...mark (Mark Rabideau)
*ManyRoads* <http://many-roads.com/> Family Genealogist (Rabideau-Henss Family); *Professional Genealogist *
*Snail mail at: *711 Nob Hill Trail - Franktown,CO USA - 80116-8717
*phone:* +1.303.660.9400 *fax:* +1.303.660.9217
*member:* Association of Professional Genealogists & National Genealogical Society
Hello Thomas und Manfred
The Genbaza texts appear to identical with those the LDS has filmed... The'films' are free on the GenBaza site but the interface is awful and slow (or so it appears to me fwiw).
Pax vobiscum,
Pax vobiscum,
Hello Manfred & Mark:
You have no idea of the value of the access to those books means to my research in Schlochau. I've been searching for many years for information about my great grandmother's origins in West Prussia, and I'm quite I'm about to find some answers to questions I've had for quite
some time. Thank you very much!
My best regards -
Thomas Borns
Blue Springs MO
Let them look to the past, but let them also look to the future; let them look to the land of their ancestors, but let them look also to the land of their children.
Wilfrid Laurier
"I see something in animals that I don't see in humans. They have a focus and energy that humans don't have. They just want to live. They aren't trying to impress anyone. They aren't trying to hurt anyone for no reason. Even the rat you see in the subway-- his only thought is finding the food he needs to survive. Animals only want to live. It's humans that demand more than they need."
- Unkown (but all-knowing) from “ Humans in New York”.
How does it work? I went to site. It made no since to mr.
Thank You
David P. Manthei
Dear David,
You need to go to the following site: http://metryki.genbaza.pl/
For me the English language option doesn't work so I simply go with the
Polish setting and use google translate for help if I need to 
1) click on "LOGOWANIE"
For existing user just put here your username + password.
For new user click on "Jeśli nie masz jeszcze swojego konta - zajerestruj
się w serwisie GenPol.com <http://genpol.com/module-Users-register.html>"
and register there (for free)
2) Once you are logged in use the left side to navigate - first select your
archive, in the sample below AP_Koszalin, next your church book or civil
register town... etc.
Hope this helps.