Checking an address that might be 10 years old

I am not sure if this is the correct way to address a letter going to Germany. Both of these are very old.

2135 Himsbunde
Worth 32
West Germany


3131 Wolfsensen 13
      Wiemme Rotenburg
       West Germany

Thank you for your help. DB

Hello Darlene

2135 Himsbunde = zip code, town
Worth 32 = street
Rotemburg = county
West Germany = united with east

is now


Worth 32
27386 Hemsbuende

3131 Wolfsensen 13 = no idea at all
Wiemme Rotenburg = could be Rotenburg/Wuemme
West Germany

I would try


3131 Wolfsensen 13
27356 Rotenburg/Wuemme

May be I could help you a little bit. Good Luck.
Regards, Juergen from Bremervoerde

Darlene Baltus schrieb:

I am not sure if this is the correct way to address a letter going to
Germany. Both of these are very old.

2135 Himsbunde
Worth 32
West Germany

former 213 Rotenburg (W�mme) is today = 27356 Rotenburg, there are in 1995 people
with telephon in the street "Worth", no nr. 32, but once without nr., second

3131 Wolfsensen 13
      Wiemme Rotenburg
       West Germany

former 3131 = Woltersdorf/ L�chow-Dannenberg: today: 29497 Lemgow und 24439
L�chow,Nds., there is a street- or placename: Volzendorf in 29497 Lemgow

former 213 Rotenburg (W�mme) has today Rotenburg (W�mme), a few
faraway similar streetnames to "Wolfsensen", but no hit for that name

Hope that furthers your research. With best wishes Hans Peter Albers