Hello Jan
In a way I hate to burst your bubble, but let me ask you some questions.
Lets assume you find that census, how will you know that the George Hamilton
is the right one? Knowing that the censuses in the Kingdom of Hannover were
at best irregular, will you be able to, from the limited data on the census,
determine the right family? Can your supporting documents verify the right
Jan, what drew me to reply was the name, Hamilton, not particularly a german
name. So I did a crude lookup just to see if Hamilton was listed in city
directory for Hannover. The results were 0. Now as I said, it was a crude
survey, and absolutely not encompassing the Kingdom. Now it does depend on
the timeframe of your search. I have records of an 1833, 1842, and early
1850's, I don't recall the exact year. At best they are comparable with our
1850 federal census, not much more.
That is only if you can get the detailed portion of the census, if you can't,
they are comparable to the pre-1850 federal censuses.
Jan, what I'm saying is simply, don't put all your hopes in the census yet to
Guenter in Michigan
Will someone please fill me in on what these census are about? Are they town
specific? I'm researching Mathias Bergheger, born about 1809 in Cappeln,
Hannover and his wife Anna Marie Spelbring, pob unknown but still Hannover.
They left Germany about 1840 and originally settled in Cincinnati before
finally arriving in Illinois. Any help appreciated. Willie
Hello Willie,
Willie Krug wrote:
[...] I'm researching Mathias Bergheger, born about 1809 in Cappeln,
Hannover and his wife Anna Marie Spelbring, pob unknown but still Hannover.
Are you sure about the state they were from? There is a Cappeln but it
always belonged to Grandduchy of Oldenburg not to Kingdom of Hannover.
This villages is next to Cloppenburg.
There is no Cappeln in Hannover that I know of. The only similar
village is Ostercappeln, which is next to Osnabr�ck.
For research in Cappeln you may want to subscribe to Oldenburg-L
mailing list, too.
Kind regards
There is no Cappeln in Hannover that I know of. The only similar
village is Ostercappeln, which is next to Osnabrück.
If a Cappeln is documented as being in Hannover, this usually means Ostercappeln.
I've seen the same thing with Essen in Hannover. They really expected you to know
which Essen they were talking about, in this case Bad Essen.
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