Jb hazards a guess that English census would have less incorrect entries but
out of a household of 12 musicians, boarders and servants in an 1861 census
there is not one correct surname spelling. It is obvious the English ear
could not understand the accent of Hannoverians. I'll list the names in
case anyone wants to claim an ancestor :-
Andrew BEALSTINE (Andreas BIELSTEIN) (45) musician with 4 apprentices
Malsena Bealstine (Melosine BIELSTEIN) (46) wife
Mena Bealstine (Mina BIELSTEIN) (19) daughter
Amandus Bealstine (Amandus BIELSTEIN) (17) son
Charlotte Bealstine (Charlotte BIELSTEIN) (15) daughter
Mary Bealstine (Marie BIELSTEIN) (10) daughter
*Henry Haler … (Heinrich EHLERS) (22) Musician
Hannah Maria BIELSTON** (Hannah Marie BIELSTEIN) (22) dau-in-law (geb.Gruen)
ALIGENT (!) STOLTA (- ? - STOLTE?) (17) apprentice musician
Henry Gernter** … (Heinrich GUENTHER) (16) apprentice musician
Abrusphor TIAMAH (!) (- ? - THIEMAN?) (15) apprentice musician
Ernst GRUMTHAN (!) … (Ernst - ???) (15) apprentice musician
The last two teenage residents were obviously a challenge to listen to and I
don't think 'Abrusphor' is written on any baptism record!
*Heinrich Ehlers (22) musician, also appeared overnight in the local prison
**Gruen family from Salzgitter area
**Guenther family from Merlau Darmstadt.
This census entry was only found after much inventive search criteria.
Rena in England