Cemetery Records


Yes! Please scan. Since there is a general feeling that attachments should
not be sent to a list, would you scan and send them by attachment to our
private email address?

I have a research project of a database of emigrants/immigrants from the
Old Kingdom of Hannover. Although I am primarily interested in those with
known birth villages, I do like to add those that seemed to settle in heavy

There certainly were pockets of Hannovarian immigrants in OH, IN, IL, MO,

I'm beginning to notice some interesting patterns.

I have a list of burials in Jockisch Cemetery in Cass County, Illinois.
There are a lot of people who immigrated from Germany, the Hannover area
and others, buried there. I could scan these pages in if anyone would
be interested in viewing them. There are about 8 pages.


Jill Wall,

Have you found anything further about your VOSS immigrant. I'm sorry that I
could not locate a ship record when I was in SLC last March
Earl N. Armbrust, Jr.
1743 Blodgett Rd.
Mount Vernon, WA 98274-5043

From owner-hannover-l Sat Aug 1 04:22:11 1998
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