Has anyone an idea if, this is a given name....it is on a death certificate that I have for Margaret Schroeder Dedeke , who I have queried about before, as her mother.
Listed was Geo Schroeder b. Hanover and mother Hamke Bush b. Hanover. All were from the Hanover area.
It was written by in 1910 and was clearly written as the above. The penmanship was good.
I am not sure which word/name you are interested in, but I assume it is the two on your subject line.
The first thing that you have to acknowledge is that while the penmanship may be good, the "H" you see may not have been a "H" to the person who wrote it. However, if it was written in the U.S. in 1910, it is probably an "H". In this case I find in old German script that a lower case "n" could look like a lower case "m" to most of us in the States. The name would then be Hanke. In my GF's home town, there was a family of five Hanke's living three doors down the street. Bush also seems to be a common surname.
I guess , I should have put the name in the body of the query , too!
The writing was not in script...but pretty plain. I examined letter by
letter and am sure it is Hamke. I have found a Harmke on line ...and this
could be the right spelling....but, it wasn't in Hanover.
I thought , Hamke, might be a title of some sort…like Taalke …I think,
means widow or it could be a quaint old name from another part of
There is a Harmke Busch online on the LDS page. She/he? is from
Timmel. The source of that information is given on the LDS site.That's in
Hannover south of Aurich. It's a small town, but there is a church there on
my map.
There is a town called Ludwigsdorf, closer to Aurich than Timmel.
Close your eyes and say Ludwigsdorf. Does that sound like Leadwich Dres???
It could--maybe--if you mumbled it, or you weren't sure of the name. I
don't know.
I'll keep looking.