Buch gesucht

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ein Bekannter in den USA (Fred Markowitz), dessen Vorfahren aus dem Ermland
stammen, moechte ein englischsprachiges Buch über das Leben in Ostpreussen um
1940 lesen. Kann jemand einen Titel nennen?

Hier sein Wunsch:

  Do you know of any German historians, journalists, or writers of
historically authentic fiction who have written about living conditions in
the East Prussian region of Europe during World War II (1939-45)? I am
looking for such literature. Of course, it would need to have been
translated into English.

Bernhard Heinrich


Yes, "Before the Storm : Memories of My Youth in Old Prussia" by Marion Countess

Her life was not typical because she was a Countess, but it's still possible to
learn about daily life in Ostpreussen from this book. Plus she writes what it was
like for the fleeing refugees toward the end of the war. She was also a


Pankow2@aol.com wrote:

Ich kenne kein Buch solcher Art. Es gibt aber einiges auf dem Internet.
Ich selbst habe meine Erinnerungen auf meiner Webseite als Chronicle