Hi everyone,
I am new to the list and would like to know if someone can help me.
I just recently found out from my great, great grandparents marriage license
from 1867 in NYC that they were both born in Hanover. This is what I know:
Frederick BEUSZ b. March 4, 1843, Bossel, Hanover, Germany, son of Henry BEUSZ
and Annie OELVIERS (sp?).
Johanna BRANDES b. May 5, 1843, Bassum, Hanover, Germany, daughter of Charles
Can someone tell me where I would go to find their birth certificates and if I
need to find their parish church? I know that they were Lutherans at least
they were buried in a Lutheran Cemetery in NY. Could someone tell me what
they think, based on these towns, what church they think I could find
something out about them or perhaps even find their parent's marriage
Thanks to everyone and I hope someone can help me!
Julie Lund
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