Has anyone read this book or know what is in it?I am researching my moms side of the family the Schmidts.I know they settled in and around GUMBINNENN in the 1800s'. Die evangelischen Kirchengemeinden in Ostpreußen und Westpreußen in den Pfarr-Almanachen von 1912 und 1913 Mit alphabetischen Registern der eingepfarrten Orte (Kirchspielverzeichnisse).(ISBN 10: 393157721X / ISBN 13: 9783931577216 )Heling, Reinhold (Hrsg.).
Thank You
David P. Manthei
Dear Mr. Manthei,
the book you are looking for is something like an Adress-Calendar with a lot
of data concerning the parishes (villages and places belonging to the
parish, number of inhabitants, schools a.s.o., but the only Persons, who are
named in there with some data are the priests. I don't think, that this book
will give you interesting data for your research.
B.t.w. there is no priest with the name "Schmidt" in there 1912/1913.
Best wishes
Hans-Christoph Surkau