Some months ago, probably on this list, there was a mention of a book of church records from the Ebstorf-Uelzen area, compiled by Dieter Boe and another person. The book was to be ordered from an archive, I think.
I've searched for that message, but can't find it. Can someone re-post the information about that book and how to order it? Thanks so much!
It has been stated that the e-mail address for Dieter Boe is no longer efective. I am not sure that is correct. The List archive alters the addresses slightly, probably to prevent mass mailing to list members. The address is listed as:
Note there is not an @ but an (a). You will find that your address has been changed the same way.
I checked the email posted in 2001 but unfortunately I
cannot read German that well and the translation
websites are not helpful.
I am interested in purchasing a copy of this book or
hopefully by now they can provide the data on a CD.
Please post your findings to this list to reduce the
number of email inquiries to Dieter.
Thank you,
Michele Gatica
Some months ago, probably on this list, there was a
mention of a book of
church records from the Ebstorf-Uelzen area,
compiled by Dieter Boe and
another person. The book was to be ordered from an
archive, I think.
I've searched for that message, but can't find it.
Can someone re-post
the information about that book and how to order it?
Thanks so much!
I am interested in purchasing a copy of this book or
hopefully by now they can provide the data on a CD. Please post your findings to this list to reduce the
number of email inquiries to Dieter.
Hi Michele,
I have decided to wait to order this book until I hear from Donna Lange that she has received the book that she has already ordered. I'm hoping she'll be able to tell me (us) a little bit about the book so each of us can decide whether or not to purchase it.
Perhaps Donna (who, I believe, is a memeber of this list) will let us know about it when she has received it.