Behrens Koningsbergen

Beste Vrienden

Ik kan geen Duits schrijven. Maar misschien kan U mij helpen.
Ik ben op zoek naar de ouders van Wilhelm Hermann Rudolpf Behrens
Geboren 04-04-1840 te Koningsbergen.
Alles is welkom.
Bij voorbaat dank.

Maarten Behrens
Appelgaarde 30
3181 PC Rozenburg
Zuid Holland

Hallo, Marten
Der Nachname BEHRENS befindet sich dutzendmal im "FamilyTreeMaker"
einschliesslich der Vornamen GERHARD, GEORG, GUSTAV,
Ausserdem ist der "englische" Vorname HERMAN WILLIAM vertreten.
Karl-Heinz Becker
(American by choice, born in Germany by the grace of God)

Dear fellow searchers,

Mr. Behrens from the Netherlands has the following question, he has asked me to
translate into English:

"I'm a looking for the parents of Wilhelm Hermann Rudolph Behrens[born
04-04-1840] in Koningsbergen.
His mothers name was Karolina Behrens. It may well be that she was not
married. Dis she have any brothers
or sisters?"

Maarten Behrens

On behalf of mr. Behrens,

Milko Kretschmann.
Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

Milko Kretschmann wrote:

Dear fellow searchers,

Mr. Behrens from the Netherlands has the following question, he has asked me to
translate into English:

"I'm a looking for the parents of Wilhelm Hermann Rudolph Behrens[born
04-04-1840] in Koningsbergen.

I meant of course: "...Koenigsbergen".


I would recommend looking thru the church books of the reformed churches
in Ko:nigsberg.