I am searching for Baumann's from the Prussia,
Bavarian States area. That is where my
G-G-Grandfather was born. If there is any
information I would appreciate it.
I am searching for Baumann's from the Prussia,
Bavarian States area. That is where my
G-G-Grandfather was born. If there is any
information I would appreciate it.
I am searching for Baumann's from the Prussia,
Bavarian States area. That is where my
Adalbert Goertz responds >>>>>>>>>>>>
Prussia is not Bavaria
Bavaria is not Prussia
Ich liebe solche Antworten. Ist es in solchen F�llen nicht besser gar nicht
zu antworten, falls es einem schwer fallen sollte solche "Trivialfragen" zu
beantworten. Wenn ich R�tsel l�sen m�chte, wende ich mich an das Forum
"Raetselfreunde und die, die es weden wollen".
Anders ausgedr�ckt: Reden ist silber, schweigen ist ....(Na?).
Es gr��t
Dietmar aus Pinneberg
Adalbert Goertz schrieb:
Hi Nicole
I have a cousin Baumann in my family tree. His mother came from
Eastprussia, my grandmothers brother was his grandfather but his father was
Austrian. I could ask him if he has connection to the States
Maren Khan
I would appreciate that very much. Thank you.
His name is Hermann Arthur Rudolph. He came to
America through California about 1850's. He came
with his only son Herman Rudolph after his wife
died. Hope this extra information is helpfull.