This is the message I would like to post:
My great-grandmother, Eva Margaret Bader, married Joseph Oberle 18 August
1870. I do not know if this took place in Aschaffenburg, Germany or America. So
far I have only found lists of Catholic Churches with dates of births,
marriages, deaths, etc. and the fact that these registers are in a book entitled Das
Archiv des Historischen Vereins von Unterfranken and Aschaffenburg.
Does any member of this list have any information regarding obtaining the
information contained in this book?
Are there any members reading this who have ancestors who might have been
related to the above Bader/Oberle ancestors of mine? The only other information
I have is that Eva Margaret Bader had a brother named Gabriel. He and his
wife, Eva, came to America when Eva Margaret Bader Oberle returned from a trip
back home to visit her mother. Her mother's maiden name may have been
Schaeffer. And when Joseph Oberle died in an accident with three others, it was
written years later : "friends they were his brother Christof (Christopher) Geis,
Allorvis Schmidt and Edd Williams."
With the hope that someone reading this will have some information about the
above, I send you kindest regards,
Loretta Cunningham