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Questions: How do you separate the truthful historians from the untruthful historians?
Have you ever considered that you are most apt to accept as truth those things you have already deemed to be true?
Except for first hand observations a person must rely on someone else's version, his, hers, yours, mine? No two people behold life through the same eyes.
We've had enough of this soapbox oratory, lets get back to the matter at hand.

Max, I appreciate you to pointing out to me what soap box I have been on.
Are all people on a soap box that are not looking for ABC to connect to 123.
Boring! The reason that I am involved at all in genealogy is my interest in
history and the lives of people who lived it. Not only my family but also
their neighbors and friends. When I am having problems falling asleep I read
the Bible to see who begat whom, but when I want to expand my mind I read of
peoples journey through life. That is not to say anything bad about people
who only want to connect the dots because enjoyment is where you find it.
The delete key is the greatest of all keys on the keyboard. It gives us
control over what we allow to enter our homes. But life would be very boring
if you only had ABC and 123 left to read about. Once I heard a Ham
operator say that he was not going to talk to anyone on the radio that he
had not talked to before. Now there was a brain preparing its self for
My brain prefers to live and grow and I need the input from others on this
list no matter what subject they prefer to discuse.