AW: Genealogy (Apology)


I commend you. You are wonderful! And you too Sven.

Sharon, you made some comments that you meant to be funny. I honestly got
what you meant because my whole family is weird no matter their origin
(English, German, Scottish, Russian). I took it as a family joke but
nonetheless Sven was offended and I can see why. What I commend both of you
on is that Sven wrote an email telling you how offended he was yet he didn't
rip you apart and call you stupid. Sharon, I commend you for immediately
taking responsibility and apologizing.

I feel it necessary to write this email in light of the fact that I just
wrote a scathing email to the list about "Betty and Unsubscribing." I think
the way Sharon and Sven handled this was admirable and the perfect way to
settle a dispute.

Fred, you gonna step up to the plate?

In a message dated 10/27/2001 3:32:31 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I think I'll just give up.
