Dear members of the list,
though most thoughts are these days bound to other themes, there may be also
sense in continuing the usual things to do. So I found back today an elder copy
of a list of immigrants, who went already in 1754 to Pennsylvania:
"228) Dec. 13, 1754. Ship Neptune, William Malam, Captaine from Hamburg, last
from Cowes - Inhabitants from Hamburg, Hanover, Saxony - 149 passengers
Andreas Schindler, Johan Simon K�hler
Gottfried Ficke, Hen.Anthon Bestaenbast,
Joh.Andreas Knochen, Joh.Martin Martine,
Nicolaus Albers, Joh.Christoph Zachries,
J.Gottlob Basler, Joh.Christian Werlisch,
Anthon G�nther, Andreas Jacob Emeyer,
Wilhelm Antheis, Johan Henrich Weidner
Ludwig Leib, Jerome Diederich Solfon,
Adam M�ller, Georg Christoph Maschcat,
Conrad Zorn, Joh. Christian Schrader,
Elias Israel, Joh.Gottlob K�ntzelman,
B.Christian Barkel, Joh.Abraham Glimpff,
Joh. Ernst Ziegler, Christian Gebhart Ziegler,
J.Peter Usbeck, Johan Heinrich Schlesse,
J.Christoph Urich, Conrad Schnogheim,
Joh.Offenh�user, Johan August K�nig,
W.Claar, Jac.Friedrich Shr�der,
Johannes Lebentraut, Henrich Frid. Stammann,
J.Christian Kucher, Christ. Hen.Jacobi,
Walter Wittmann, Georg Hen. Heller,
J.Caspar �rrig, Joh.Philp Alberti,
J.Christian K�hnman, Joh. Julius Sorge,
Christian Kalckbrenner, Joh.Gottfried Ritter,
Friederich Wiederhohl, John Kotter,
Christopher Guitelman, Peter Henry Trotz,
Joh.Henrich Sch�ffer, Johan Philip Stein."
This shiplist was printed in: Rupp, Daniel: Chronologisch geordnete Sammlung von
mehr als 30.000 Namen von Einwanderern in Pennsylvanien aus Deutschland, der
Schweiz, Holland, Frankreich u.a.Staaten von 1727 -1776, Leipzig: Verlag Degen &
Co 1931, S.348.
It would ne nice, if someone could tell me in case of already existing possibi-
lities to find exatly these days online. Otherwise I could give 3 more shiplists
of 1755 and 1756. Unfortunately that�s all I have copied from this book.
with best regards Hans Peter Albers