No, Cloppenburg has no archives, local and regional administrative records should be at the Niedersaechsisches Staatsarchiv in Oldenburg,
Damm 43, Mon, Wed, Fri 08 - 16 h, Tue & Thu 08 - 18:30 h
You might find some old Cloppenburg records at the Museumsdorf Cloppenburg, you will have to ask your way, they have no accomodations for the public interested in such paperwork - but they do have an own website, someone in the mailing list will be able to tell you
Bischoeflich Muenstersches Offizialats-Archiv, Kolpingstrasse, Vechta
Mon - Thu 08:30 - 16:00 h, Fri 08:30 - 12:00
Falk Liebezeit, Diepholz
<> 06.08.2001 00.23 Uhr >>>
I would like to know if also Cloppenburg has his own archive for public to visited and if so the times it is open. The Bischöflich Offizialat in Vechta, the days and times when it's open to consult the archive. Thanks for the information.