Hello to all Hannover-L readers!
W�lpe was is a little place in the eastern part of the town (Flecken)
of Erichshagen. After Erichshagen is a part of Nienburg today, you
quite right that W�lpe is very close to Nienburg.
Both Erichshagen and W�lpe are part of the Holtorf parish.
There are parish registers of Holtorf preserved and accessable from
1639 on. For details about the parish registers of Holtorf and the
area around it, see my website Stammbaum Info
Kirchenkreis Nienburg
These parish registers can be accessed at the parish or at the so
called "Kirchenbuchamt" in Hannover. As far as I know there are no
parish registers of Holtorf filmed by the LDS. The same is true for
the majority of the parish registers of the "Ev.-Luth. Landeskirche
Hannover", after this church does not allow the LDS to film their
records. Despite a few exeptions all parish registers of this church,
which were filmed by the LDS are filmed from the so called
"Kirchenbuchzweitschriften" at the State Archives. These
"Zweitschriften" are handwritten copies, which were made yearly for
the Hannover administration. In some areas, these "Zweitschriften"
begin as early as 1716, but there are other areas, for which there are
no such records preserved. But the original parish registers often
reach back to the 17th century and about 90% of them are preserved.
Back to W�lpe:
There was a Hannoverian "Amt (administration district) W�lpe" as well.
W�lpe was the seat of this Amt that existed until 1859. The seat was
located in the former castle of the "Grafen von W�lpe", who ruled
their own principality until the early 14th century.
The area of the Amt W�lpe did not only contain Erichshagen and
W�lpe, but a number of villages as well:
Baum�hle, Bolsehle, Borstel, Brokeloh, Brunnenborstel, Eilvese,
Eilveserdamm, F�hrser M�hle, Gadesb�nden, Glashof, Gross
Varlingen, Hagen, Heemsen, Holtorf, Husum, Klein Varlingen,
Laderholz, Langendamm, Linsburg, Lohe, N�pke, Rohrsen,
Schessinghausen, Sonnenborstel, Steimbke, St�ckse, Wenden,
These villages belonged to different parishes.
And there a great number of other records like tax rolls, inhabitant
lists, military reviwe records, etc. of the Amt W�lpe at the
Hauptstaatsarchiv Hannover (reaching back to the year of 1585).
I hope these informations are helpful for you.
Jens Mueller-Koppe
Jens Mueller-Koppe
Historical Research Services (HRS)