Hallo in die Runde, wer kann hier weiterhelfen
Unknown if mine are related;this is all I have of my direct line
Jrod.Bohn married Margr.Mullers their daughter Marie Bohn b.? married
June 3 1820 Kinderbueren,Joannis Palm 8 children,lived in Bausendorf my
great grandmother #6.Barbara Palm b.June 11 1836 married Oct.26 1858in
Kinderbueren & lived there Joseph Miesen b.Feb.2 1833-they -USA 1881
with their children.She was to had sung for the Hollzren family as a
child and played with their children.This was passed on but no
documentation,she sang Sapranno Shakopee,Minnesota -she filled in for a
troop that needed a singer,they had wanted her to tour with them but
said no,she has family to take care of-no record book of opera
house.They are buried at St.Mark's Cath.Cemetery Shakopee,MN next to a
priest.-bet there are more connection's! If you could keep an eye out
for me and my families, guess we can say we are cousins of sorts.
Lamberti/Weber & Miesen/Miesen ,Braun/Doeres-my other lines in same
area,Platten,Bausendorf & Kinderbueren.(I've ran out of money and never
had books at Bausendorf or Platten looked at.) Cathy in Elgin,MN
They were married April 29 1836 Kinderbueren and 8 children9#8.Helene m.
Mathias Dibo),sorry Peter don't have their birth dates nor his
parents.Hers; Peter Palm m.Aug.7 1816 Eliz.Bugot-Peter Bugot &
Kath.Bann, Peter Rietz d.May 11 1859 Kinderbueren Eliz. d.Nov.22
1873,his parents were Andrew Joseph Palm & Marg. Hermes Cathy
They are my distant cousin's,they are apart of my maternal's maternal's
lines.they are my great great grandmothers(Barbara Palm Miesen-USA 1881)
1st cousin,Helen's parents are Margaret Palm married Peter Rietz Apr.29
1836 Kinderbeuren, #8 Helene Rietz b.Aug.28 1855-d.1877,married Matthias
Dibo (d. 1911)July 11 1877,-info at Cath.Church in Kinderbueren.2
children;1. Nicolaus Tibo b.Jan.13 1876 m.1899 in Wittlich Helene
Budinger-no info on them,2.Maria Dibo b.Oct.14 1877 d.1879 Matthias
remarried Nov. 21 1878, Catherine Martini ,they had 7 children. I am
Cathy Walters in Elgin,Minnesota-USA Hope this helps you,Cathy
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Peter (Daus)
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