I was wondering if anyone new the location of Andree's Berg. I think it was in Kr Munden
Thank You
Kevin Miller
Minnesota USA
I was wondering if anyone new the location of Andree's Berg. I think it was in Kr Munden
Thank You
Kevin Miller
Minnesota USA
Andreasberg am Harz?
Mit freundlichen Gr��en
Klaus Kunze
Lange Stra�e 28
37170 Uslar
Tel.: 05574-944676, 0171-6211075
Fax: 05571-6327
Email: Genealogie@KlausKunze.com
Hi Kevin
I never heard about Andree's Berg but I know St Andreasberg. It's a small
town on the Harz mountains. Not very far away from Brunswick (Braunschweig)
and Hanover.
Have a nice day.
Wolfgang Buchhorn
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