Sir: My name is jack frank vogl. I was born 1-7-34 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. My mothers name was edna louise Stephan. She was born1-2-1908 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Her father was Carl Stephan, a laborer, and my grandfather who was born 5-21-1863 in Jarischau, West Prussia. His father was Johann William Stephan, and his mother was Wilhemina Juliana Mix, also from Jarischau, West Prussia.
Carl Stephan was married in 1888 to Pauline Schulz, who was born 2-22-1867 in Jarishau, West Prussia. Carl and Pauline had elevan children. The oldest, Gustave Stephan was born 1-1-1889, also in Jarishau, West Prussia. His birth was just before there moving to the United States, sometime in 1890.
I am looking for information and families of my great grandfather, Johann William Stephan and his wife, Wilhelmina Juliana Mix, ands also any other family lines beyond the birth of great grandfather and great grandmother who also lived Jarishau, West Prussia. Any of this information would be greatly appreciated. Thank-you, Jack F. Vogl.
1-801-492-7518-USA (E-mail)
Hi Jack
I`m off for some days , I can you send bio-data of the people with equivalent or similar names , when I return , and you are interested .̴m contavtable from 38th week on.
Best Regards
Klaus Stephan