AIDA online help

  I can't seem to get a straight answer from my German-speaking friends on this, and the machine translators don't make any sense.
  Anyways, I was wondering what to do when I get to this page on AIDA online (this is a screen capture):
  I clicked on Familienforschung Familienforschung, then clicked on Zivilstansregister (or Kirchenbuch, or Auswanderer - they all give me the same type of results). For the life of me, I can't figure out what all these results mean, and how I can determine which ones are relevant to my research.

    What precisely are you looking for? Just the name Steingrand? I didn't
get the same result that you did. However, it didn't look very helpful
either. I just put the name in the first "box" and then click on the "Box"
at the end.

    Have you seen the Steingrand and Steingrandt name on the LDS website:


Hi Barbara
  Yes, I have usedt he LDS site extensively - there are very limited records. I have also used Ancestry and the British National Archives. I am trying to expand beyond that and basically get to the "meat". :slight_smile:
  The link I put in my previously mail ( goes to a screen shot of records from the AIDA online site, which I arrived at after clicking Familienforschuung, the on Zivilstandsregister, then on Weiter. It is a list of results from that search, and I don't have the knowledge of the German language to know what to do from there. I just need help to know what to click on, etc. from the screen shot I posted. All I need is "click on X button, then click on Y", etc.
What precisely are you looking for? Just the name Steingrand? I didn't
get the same result that you did. However, it didn't look very helpful
either. I just put the name in the first "box" and then click on the "Box"
at the end.

Have you seen the Steingrand and Steingrandt name on the LDS website:


Hello again,

    Go to this address:
you will find a box in which you put the name Steingrand. Then click on
Suchen (search) on the right. Wait a bit for results.

      You will get 2 sets of returns. One at the top and then move down to
the other.

     I get only 4 entries - 3 of which have something to do with a religious
order of monks. The other has to do with some other issue.
You will see a code on the left and if you click on it, you will get some
record with information(?). You can order that record from the Archives.
I don't read German so maybe you can understand what it says. I tried
Google's translator, but it doesn't look like much to me, but maybe it would
be of some importance to you.


Hello Kristen and others,

perhaps I can help you to understand what AIDA meant.

    Go to this address:
you will find a box in which you put the name Steingrand. Then click on
Suchen (search) on the right. Wait a bit for results.

      You will get 2 sets of returns. One at the top and then move down to
the other.

     I get only 4 entries - 3 of which have something to do with a religious
order of monks. The other has to do with some other issue.

Steingrand is not the name of a person, but the name of a location.

You will see a code on the left and if you click on it, you will get some
record with information(?). You can order that record from the Archives.

You can order it into the readingroom of the archive, but nowhere else.
As far as I know all records listed in AIDA can only be read in the readingroom of the special archive. You can order copies of the records, but very often the records consists of many papers and you don`t know which page might be of some interest for you.
Hope this answers your question.


Susanne Schmitz

Thanks so much Susanne...I will try to find someone to go there and look for me.

Susanne Schmitz <> wrote: Hello Kristen and others,

perhaps I can help you to understand what AIDA meant.

Go to this address:
you will find a box in which you put the name Steingrand. Then click on
Suchen (search) on the right. Wait a bit for results.

You will get 2 sets of returns. One at the top and then move down
the other.

I get only 4 entries - 3 of which have something to do with a
order of monks. The other has to do with some other issue.

Steingrand is not the name of a person, but the name of a location.

You will see a code on the left and if you click on it, you will get some
record with information(?). You can order that record from the Archives.

You can order it into the readingroom of the archive, but nowhere else.
As far as I know all records listed in AIDA can only be read in the
readingroom of the special archive. You can order copies of the records,
but very often the records consists of many papers and you don`t know
which page might be of some interest for you.
Hope this answers your question.


Susanne Schmitz