Ahnenliste Rohde
10 Rohde, Joachim (Jochen) Christoph
*/~ Redentin/Hörnstorf 26.02./03.03.1840
11 Bornier, Maria Elisabeth
*/~ Fischkaten/Hornstorf 24./26.09.843
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
20 Rohde , Hans Jochim(en) Heinrich (Rode)
1840 Knecht in Redentin/Hornstorf
*/~ Gagzow/Neuburg 03./04.1.806
konf. Neuburg 1821
verh. Hornstorf 13.11.1829 mit
21 Vagt , Christina Sophia
*/- Redentin/Hornstorf 08./11 .08.1808
konf. Hornstorf 1823
22 Bornier (Bannier), Johann Christoph
1843 Gehöftserbe in Fischkaten
*/~Fischkaten/Hornstorf 07./09.06.1816
konf. Hornstorf 1831
verh. " 11.11.1842 mit
23 Grützmacher, Christina Sophia Elisabeth ( Grüzmacher) , Stin Vick
1842 in Redentin. Lisch
*/~ Redentin/ Hörnsttorf 24./25.02.1821
konf. Hornstorf 1835
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
40 Rohde, Christoph
1806 Schulze zu Gagzow, 1821/29 Schulze und Hauswirt zu Gagzow/
. Neuburg
41 Kröger, Christina Sophia
42 Vagt , Johann Friedrich
1808 Kutscher zu Amt Redentin/Hörnstorf
1801 " zu Hof " /Neuburg
1823/29 Schulze und Hauseirt in Redentin, auch Kirchenvorsteher
verh. Neuburg 20.11.1801 mit
43 Lüth(en) , Margaretha (Greth) Vick Elisabeth
1801 zu Niendorf
44 Bannier (Bornier, Banier), Caspar Heinrich
1813/16 Knecht in Fischkaten
1831/42 Hauswirt in Fischkaten
verh. Hornstorf 05.11.181 3 mit
45 Wieck ( en) , Len (Magdalena Margreth (a))
*/~ Fischkaten/Hornstorf 21.08.1789
46 Grützmacher (Grüzmacher) , Johann Garsten
1821/35/42 Büdner und Zimmergesell in Redentin
47 Rohde, Stin Lisch
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
86 Lüth, Jochim Heinrich
1801 Schulze zu Niendorf
90 Wieck, Hans Friedrich
91 Schröder( n ) , Catha r. M a r i a
Schwerin, den 26. Oktober 1939
Mecklenburgisches Kirchenbuchamt
I. A.
Dear Sir,
I would be pleased to know more of the two couples that were mentioned in your last email.
22 Bornier (Bannier), Johann Christoph
1843 Gehöftserbe? in Fischkaten
*/~Fischkaten/Hornstorf (born?) 07./09.06.1816
konf.? Hornstorf 1831
verh.(married) Hornstorf 11.11.1842 mit (with)
23 Grützmacher, Christina Sophia Elisabeth ( Grüzmacher)? , Stin Vick ?
1842 in Redentin. Lisch
*/~ Redentin/ Hörnsttorf (born?) 24./25.02.1821
konf. Hornstorf 1835
44 Bannier (Bornier, Banier), Caspar Heinrich
1813/16 Knecht (Farm hand) in Fischkaten
1831/42 Hauswirt (Land Lord) in Fischkaten
verh. (married) in Hornstorf 05.11.1813 mit (with)
45 Wieck ( en) , Len (Magdalena Margreth (a))
*/~ Fischkaten/Hornstorf (born?)21.08.1789
I do not speak German but I have been able to decifer some of the information.
The family I am researching is the Bennier family. The name may have been written Bornier, Bannier, Banier or Banneier.
I would appreciate any further data on these family names appearing in the history of Mecklenburg from anyone that may be able to help.
I look forward to hearing again from you.
Sincerely, Marc Bennier (Australia)
Dear Marc,
just came accross your email here at the Mecklenburg Liste.
Have you been able to research your Bornier, Bannier, Banier or Banneier with the 1867 Mecklenburg Census?
If not I can take a look for you and mail you the copies.
Do you know any more specific dates or places?
Stephanie (Florida + Germany)
Dear Stephanie,
My ancestors came from Kritzow, near Wismar in Mecklenburg Schwerin. They emigrated initially to New Zealand in 1844. Their name was written for them on the ship's manifest as Bannier as they were illiterate. My grandfather John Bennier was born 8th April 1835 in Kritzow, Mecklenburg Schwerin, in Germany. He was baptized in Lubow, Mecklenburg Schwerin, Germany. His name was Johann Frederick Joachim Bennier.
In Australia his name was made more English. John Frederick Joseph.
There is also the Bennier family that emigrated to USA. Henry Bennier was born in Mecklenburg, Mecklenburg Schwerin, Germany 1838. This is within cooee (about five miles) from Lubow where my great grandfather was baptised. I don't know if the two families are related but I have hopes. The USA Henry Bennier was naturalised in 1888. He married in 1881 in USA. Not sure when the family emigrated from Germany. Henry and his family may be on the 1867 census. I am to understand that Henry emigrated without his parents, as no mention is made of them.
I would like to access the 1819 Mecklenburg Schwerin census to find any mention of these families or their ancestors but as yet have not found an avenue to do this.
My great great grandfather was born about 1813 in Mecklenburg Schwerin. His name was Johann Joachim Carl Bennier so he would have been in this census. His father was Heinrich Banneier, at least that is how it was spelt on their wedding certificate. Johann Joachim Bennier married Dorothea Hanna Maria Specht in 1835 in Lubow, Mecklenburg Schwerin. Her father was Johann Specht.
Any assistance would be most appreciated.
Sincerely, Marc Bennier
Dear Marc,
I saw that your Gf John BENNIER (Bannier) was one ot the 1844th
Skiold-People (a 8 yearold boy) who arrived from Kluetz-Area at MEC to NZ
and later went to AU.
Do you have more details about the other members of the BENNIER
(Bannier)-Family used the Skiold (the ship-list I know) and their future
life. Do you know anything about their later contacts to their Mecklenburg
Some years ago we produced a little (today out of print) booklet ("Von
Mecklenburg nach Neuseeland : Auswanderung im 19. Jahrhundert") about the
famous Skiold-People-Story wherein also your anchestors were named.
At my database I also have a teacher Gustav BANNIER (* 22.03.1843
Hungerstorf near Grevesm�hlen, + 25.03.1890 Wismar), later teacher at
Buetzow and Ribnitz, 1877-1890 on the "Gro�e Stadtschule" at Wismar.
Hungerstorf is the Kluetz-Area. His father worked teacher at that area (at
Hungerstorf ?). So it could be that he belonged to your family.
Regands from Mecklenburg
Peter Starsy
have you tried to look up any information via the Family History Centers(Mormon family library) ?
Through them you can look up following/and more data:
Germany, Mecklenburg - Census
Mecklenburg-Schwerin Volksz�hlung 1819 : Register der Familiennamen / Schubert, Franz
Grundbesitzerlisten auf Feldflurkarten Mecklenburgs. St�dte aus dem Jahr 1727 / Schubert, Franz
Personen Specificationes in den Dom�nial-�mtern 1633-1689 / Mecklenburg (Herzogtum). Volksz�hlungsamt
Volksz�hlung am 1. December 1890 / Mecklenburg-Schwerin (Gro�herzogtum). Volksz�hlungsamt
Volksz�hlung am 1. Dezember 1900 / Mecklenburg-Schwerin (Gro�herzogtum). Volksz�hlungsamt
Volksz�hlung am 3. Dezember 1867 / Mecklenburg-Schwerin (Gro�herzogtum). Volksz�hlungsamt
Volksz�hlung, 1939. Mecklenburg Land : Erg�nzungskarte f�r Angaben �ber Abstammung und Vorbildung / Deutschland. Reichssippenamt
Volksz�hlungslisten 1819 / Mecklenburg-Schwerin (Gro�herzogtum). Volksz�hlungsamt (Census records of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Germany for the year 1819. Lists of towns covered are at the front of each book. Includes the name of each person, birth date and place, how long lived in the town, single or married, and religion. Military records cover the Domaines and cities. Abbreviations used in this description: R.A. for Ritteramt, D.A. for Dom�nenamt, K.A. for Klosteramt.)
I am still looking through the 1867 Census for the USA Bennier. If I find anything I will let you know.
Bannier married one of my Sass's.