Achim near Bremen, EGGERS

Four /five days ago I received an email from this person regarding my family.

< n.ordemann@infocity.deeggers>

Now when I have tried to answer, my email to him bounces. Do any of you
listers know this person or why my email to him bounces?
Thank you.
Joy Eggers Bold

It may not be being bounced at all. More than likely some form of SPAM control is not letting it through to the target inbox. The original sender probably forgot to add your addy on their "accepted" list. Even though it appears it was not delivered and was returned as such, it may still be in their 'junk' mail folder, awaiting flushing (hopefully they review it before emptying). That, or else there mailbox is FULL to capacity and cannot accept any new inbound messages. Their mail server mail have gone down also, but this is a more remote occurrence, and normally corrected quickly. SUBJECT line or incorrect addy, as mentioned, is a further possibility. Best in situations like these to send your message more than once (perhaps re-doing the subject line). With a little luck, one gets through. Good luck.


Hi Joy,
    I've had similar experiences with some e-mail from distant cousins. I think
it may be some sort of Anti-spam subroutine that prevents answering by using the
reply function. I also tried copying the address and pasting it but that
didn't work either. However, when I typed the address manually it worked
    Don Roddy

----- Message from ---------


I wonder if you try this it might work?

Joy Bold schrieb:

Four /five days ago I received an email from this person regarding my family.

< n.ordemann@infocity.deeggers>

Now when I have tried to answer, my email to him bounces. Do any of you
listers know this person or why my email to him bounces?
Thank you.
Joy Eggers Bold

Today I got an email from Joy Bold; my answer bounced.
My correct email address is *n.ordemann at* with no "eggers" following it.

               Nikolaus (Ordemann)
       Genealogische Homepage Ordemann und Ordemann - Alternativer Einstieg
       Die genealogische Ordemann-Homepage
The (German language) genealogical Ordemann homepage

Hi Joy - Nikolaus:

Whats going on here?
I located your e-mail for Joy, but you can't get her now. for Joy and as below for Nickolaus.

Did you get Joy's e-mail from the archives? The archives
change the @ to (A), probably to eliminate mass mailings
from the archives.



This is off subject.

I'm pretty sure there were Egger's in St. Louis, Missouri.

In March, 2004 I noted:

St. Louis Post Dispatch
*10/30/1890 page 10
Burial Permit
Egger, Louis Gotlieb

Not sure if of any interest but I post anyway.

St. Louis

heute habe ich nochmals versucht, eine email an Joy zu schicken;
kam wieder zur�ck.
today I tried again to send an email to Joy; it bounced again.

Fehlermeldung, f�r mich unverst�ndlich/Error message, cryptic for me:
host[] said:
     550- blocked by ldap:ou=rblmx,dc=comcast,dc=net 550 Blocked for abuse.

Hello Joy,

Four /five days ago I received an email from this person regarding my family.

< n.ordemann(a)infocity.deeggers>

Now when I have tried to answer, my email to him bounces. Do any of > you listers know this person or why my email to him bounces?

this is the text of an email you sent on Dec,31,2005 to the Hannover List.

I had a look into my outgoing mail basket - there is no mail from me to
you in December, neither directly nor via Hannover-l or another list. In
addition, my email address doesn't end in ".deeggers", but just in
".de". As an answer to the above citated mail I tried to send mails to
your email address but now it was me who had bouncing problems.

And there is little or nothing to tell you about your family: I just
have one individual with this name in my ancestry, and I have only her
birth, marriage and death dates and her husband's data (an Ordemann).

Success in 2006!

Hi Nikolaus:

It appears that you have your answer, "Blocked for Abuse".

A lot of e-mail providers have different standards. I know of a person who mass mailed more than 35 e-mails and was blocked until that person could have her account reinstated. Many of the providers are now making an effort to reduce mass mailings. Every once in a while I see an e-mail come into the List with dozens of addresses on it. It is not very personal that way is it?

Remember though, this may not be really what in happening in your case.
