3-4 Given Names

Christine from Germany was right. Our family in Laichingen, Bavaria - one
dear lady had 17 children, and they all started with Maria or Johann, I was told
it was saints names. Wilma

LOL, I am happy that, that family is not in my tree. :slight_smile:


Is there someone who could help me with a translation of an email? I have
done a rough version and need the grammar fixed up so I can better read it.
The first is the email in German and following that is the translation I
came up with using a software program. Thanks in advance.



see a better version of the translation below.

Elsingers schrieb:


Is there someone who could help me with a translation of an email? I have
done a rough version and need the grammar fixed up so I can better read it.
The first is the email in German and following that is the translation I
came up with using a software program. Thanks in advance.



Familienforschung Frauendorfer und Obermeier in Griesbach

Sehr geehrte Frau Elsinger,

in unserem Bistum kommt der Ortsname "Griesbach" zweimal vor. Es handelt
sich um die Pfarreien Griesbach bei Dingolfing in Niederbayern und
Griesbach bei Tirschenreuth in der Oberpfalz. Darin konnten wir um
1820-1825 die Namen Frauendorfer und Obermeier nicht nachweisen.

Weitere Orte dieses Namens gibt es im Bereich des Bistums Passau. Wenden
Sie sich bitte an das Archiv des Bistums Passau, Luragogasse 4, 94032
Passau (E-Mail: archiv@bistum-passau.de ).

Wir hoffen, Ihnen mit dieser Auskunft gedient zu haben und verbleiben
mit freundlichen Gru?en

(Dr. Paul Mai)


Family research Frauendorfer and Obermeier in Griesbach

Dear Mrs. Elsinger,

in our diocese the place name "Griesbach" occurs twice. It is
the Parrish of Griesbach near Dingolfing in Lower Bavaria and
Griesbach near Tirschenreuth in the Upper Palatinate. There we could not
locate the names Frauendorfer and Obermeier in the timespan 1820-1825.

There are further places of this name within the range of the diocese
Passau. Please contact the archives of the diocese Passau, Luragogasse 4, 94032
Passau (E-Mail: archiv@bistum passau.de).

We hope we have served you with this information and remain
Yours sincerely