1852 Census Request

Thanks for the information. I did a surname search and found there are some HUGES indexed for Amt Hoya. I shall check the LDS and see if they have the microfilms for that area.

---- hrs@hist.de wrote:

Dear Jens,

   I do not see the surname "KLUG" in the index of names for the Census :


   Does this mean there would be no Klugs in that census?

   Also I would like to find the marriage record for my Johann Hinrich
   Ludewig Klug to Anna Catharina Scheele around 1852 - 1854 in
   Visselh�vede. Do you know if this date would be available in
   marriage records ? I was told that records are only transcribed
   up to 1852 for Visselh�vede. Where should I look?

   Thanks, Pam

Dear Jens,

   You said:

   > > For Verden (city), the Amt Verden and the Amt Rotenburg (which
       > > includes Visselhoevede) the news are much better. The 1852
       > > census of both of these Aemter are preserved at the State
       > > Stade (not filmed by the LDS), but not yet edited in the
       > > edition. For the city of Verden die city archive in Verden is
       > > responsible.

   Does this mean that I would not find the Amt Rotenburg on film with
   LDS as yet? I am not sure when you say "Stade" (not filmed by the
   LDS) what you mean.

   Thanks, Pam

Hi Pam,

Do you already have a look at the local heritage books
at genealogynet.de for Rotenburg and Visselh�vede?


Hello Bernd,

   Thanks, for the information. I had not known of this site
   before. I went to check what it says about Visselh�vede Heritage
   books and this is what it says. I assume this means that records
   must be requested in Stade ?

   Best wishes, Pam

Local heritage book Visselh�vede

   Visselh�vede is the southernmost of four cities in the county of
   Rotenburg/W�mme. To the south and east lie the former L�neburg
   parishes of Walsrode (with Stellichte), Dorfmark and Soltau.

   The church in Visselh�vede was dedicated to John the Baptist. During a
   fire which ravaged the city in 1794, the churchbooks were destroyed as
   well. They have been kept continuously since 1795. Duplicates of the
   destroyed registers are in the State Archive at Stade for the years
   1715-1726, 1746, 1751-1752, 1759-1763 and 1765-1794. In another
   document are the baptism and marriage entires from 1700.

          The following places belonged to the parish before 1900:
                             Delventhal Dree�el
                         D�sternheide (s�dl. Teil)
                             Hainhorst Heelsen
                   Kockshof Lehrden (fr�her "Hollehrden")
                            Ottingen Paterbusch
                              St�lpenhof Tadel
                                Neu Wehnsen

Hi Pam!
It is an online OFB for Visselh�vede. Just click "Gesamtliste der Familiennamen" (Listing of all surnames in Visselh�vede). Now you can search the OFB!

Greetings from Germany
Andrea Korbanka

Dear Andrea,

   Thanks for that help. When I go to "Gesamtliste der Familiennamen"
   for the town of Visselh�vede I do not find any surname KLUG at
   all. What does this mean? I believe the first Klugs of mine
   arrived in the mid 1700's to the towns of Verden and Walsrode, then
   Vissleh�vede. Before this they were in Bavaria.

   Are these surname entries part of a geneological database? They
   don't seem to be the 1852 census. I see a wide variety of birth
   dates listed for people.

   best wishes, Pam